Monday, February 24, 2020
Emotionl litercy interventions in the prevention of bullying within Essay
Emotionl litercy interventions in the prevention of bullying within the pstorl system of school - Essay Example Bullying is now recognized s common form of victimiztion on British school cmpuses nd significnt school sfety problem (Nnsel et l., 2001). This pper provides thoughtful conceptul nd prcticl informtion for school psychologists, who cn ply centrl role in the schools' response to this growing concern bout school bullying t pstorl clsses. The pper ims to review nd expnd on topics discussed, prticulrly s they relte to the British school context in mong pstorl students. Reching ntionl consensus on school bullying represents significnt chllenge tht will require blncing needs cross reserchers, eductors, nd public policy mkers. Whtever the effectiveness of specific bully prevention progrms, the ntionl effort to minimize the negtive effects of bullying will need to ddress fundmentl mtters relted to the definition of school bullying nd the trnsltion of best reserch prctices into public policy nd eductionl prctice t the school site level. I suggest tht clrity on mtters of definition is of the ut most importnce. First, it is needed for the scientific purpose of hving precision in wht is being studied. Second, it is needed becuse lck of common understnding bout wht constitutes bullying could result in confusing rry of ntionl, stte, nd locl policies nd responses to the problems creted by bullying. Rtionl Literture review Bullying behvior mong students hs long been disruptive fctor in the eductionl relm nd continues t thretening level, ffecting the emotionl nd physicl sfety of students (Grrity, Jens, Porter, Syger, & Short-Cmilli, 2005). It ws estimted tht 160,000 children miss school ech dy becuse of fer (Solberg, Olweus 2003). Bullying, mjor cuse of this fer, keeps children from perceiving school s sfe environment. Unfortuntely, mny of these children re reluctnt to request id from school stff for fer of reprisls nd becuse of indequte protection. School for mny is not the sfe, lerning environment it ws intended to be. Mny students re nxious bout witnessing bullying nd fer tht they my become victims of bullying if they hve not lredy been trgeted. Given the misery tht thousnds of children endure dffy over the course of severl yers of eduction, the problems surrounding bullying should not be ignored or simply tolerted. Mny techers ignore bullying becuse they believe they lck dequte skills nd trining to intervene, they fer tht intervening in bullying sitution will only dd fuel to the fire, or they fer tht their involvement would force the problem "underground" (Olweus, 1994).Two out of three students report tht techers hndle the problems of bullying indequtely. Mny students surmise tht their techers re not cogniznt of problems becuse bullying often ppers to go unnoticed by the techers. In fct, bullying incidents re rrely brought to the techer's ttention unless there is serious incident. Techers ply criticl role in snctioning the bullying behvior tht occurs in the schools, either intentionlly or unintentionlly. Hence, "bullying will never be eliminted unless techers nd children become prtners in this crusde ginst cruelty" (Orpins, Home, Stniszewski,
Friday, February 7, 2020
Organization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Organization - Research Paper Example The study of organizational behaviour utilizes information gathered and interpretation of the findings for canalizing the behaviour of individuals as well as groups within the organizational environment (Lycos Inc. 2013). It is in this context that prevalence of ineffective communication strategies often gives rise to perplexities within the organisational environment and thus works as a core reason for many organisational issues as can be witnessed in the case of HSBC (Slater and Cruise, 2012). Issues of Motivation Motivation plays a pivotal role in the organizational context often being referred as a determinant which reveals that how much effort can be given in order to attain organizational effectiveness by individual employees. Effective organizational behaviour helps in fostering motivation and team spirit in order to attain the desired objectives of the organization. However, in the absence of effective motivation, employees are most likely to avoid additional responsibilities and decipher reluctance towards change, giving rise to particular issues within the organisational environment (Lycos Inc. 2013). Performance and Rewards Appraisal Performance and rewards appraisal can be depicted as a process through which evaluation of contribution rendered by the employees in the organization are reviewed during a specific period of time. Appraisal of performance in the modern day context emphasizes on objectives to attain the desired level of performance as well as setting of goals for the organization. Hence, in the absence of such systems, organisational leaders are likely to lack in directing employees towards organisational goals and thus face difficulties in obtaining the desired level of performance from... This essay stresses that effective leadership with organisational environment, deciphered by interpersonal roles towards decision making can further play a major role in mitigating organizational issues of any organization. In this context, it can be stated that by motivating members in the organization, managers are capable of attaining their desired organizational goals. It can also be stated that with the management of group dynamics with effective leadership, various issues can be prevented at the onset. Additionally, the leaders are also responsible in evaluating performance of employees and provide rewards to the employees for maintaining effective performance that can certainly result in the successful prevention of organizational behaviour related issues by a greater extent. This paper makews a conclusion that the organizational behaviour acts as a vital aspect in the modern day context. It is an application of managerial knowledge and skills used for investigating group as well as individual behaviour within an organizational setting. The issues of organizational behaviour such as managing communication, leadership, participation, and change management among others are required to be mitigated for organizational effectiveness. It is worth mentioning in this context that effective communication, effective leadership, and adherence to proper ethical standards shall be referred as major initiatives to mitigate issues related with organizational behaviour.
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